Education, employment and social policies
59.925,00 €
59.925,00 €
: This project involves translation, publication, distribution and promotion of 10 European novels with historical subject matter from 10 different languages. Memories are above all intimate things. When they are personal, we usually share them only with our loved ones. When they are collective, they most often concern historical events and figure, and belong to a community. Both generally apply to a limited circle of people. The European story is a bit different. It creates a common present for a much better future. But it also creates a history that we can all be proud of and gladly share. Only if we get to know and accept our neighbors and fellow citizens through their past, recollections, history or memories can we truly understand our own selves and communities. That is why this project centres on "The Memories of Others" through literary works covering different historical periods, through works dealing with the aspects of memory on a personal and social level. They all display a dialogical and polyphonic, not egocentric and superficial, approach to the concept of historicity.History may be written by the victors, but in literature that is not always the case. There is room for new voices and different views on common themes, for repressed aspects and not-so-known figures. That is why the project mostly consists of works written in lesser-used languages, from smaller cultures.When you live with people under the same roof, or in close proximity, you need an open mind and listen to the history of Others. Hence the inclusion of a novel from a country neighboring to ours. Furthermore, since history has most often been his-story, we made sure that female voices be equally represented.Facing and accepting the aspect of the memories of others not only facilitates getting to know the Other and Otherness, but also has a strong reconciliatory effect on various conflicts. And this project actualizes the power of memories articulated through literature.