Readers of the Future

City of Skopje
: 570515-CREA-1-2016-1-AL-CULT-COOP1
: Education, employment and social policies
: 50.000,00 €
: 15.9.2016
: Culture
: 15.09.2016
: Grant
: 50.000,00 €

: Readers of the Future is a partnership project between Albanian, Italian&Macedonian partners that has been drafted with aim of achieving international mobility, audience development & digitization, to help artists and their works circulate internationally, to strengthen/reach new audiences and markets, and to help young readers discover pleasure of reading and literature.
The project was developed in 5 main phases:
a)Survey on reading habits in children&young people;
b)Festival, one for each country participating in project;
c)Publication of 3 volumes (2 books&ebooks, 1 e-book only) in 3 languages (Al, IT, MA), donated to school and city libraries;
d)Travelling exhibition of works of illustrators from 3 partner countries;
e)Production of a film documentary about the role of reading&importance of books in life of readers of the future.
Considering the cultural and artistic background of each partner country, as well as state policies and practices that help in promotion of literacy and literature for children and YA, this project has achieved a number of general and specific objectives:
-supported the capacity of cultural&creative sectors to interact internationally;
-supported the circulation of cultural&creative works as well as the international mobility of cultural actors;
-encouraged strengthening, widening&diversification of audiences;
-encouraged internationalization of career and works of young artists and authors;
-encouraged and supported circulation of EU literature, for a broader access;
-strengthened cooperation between cultural organizations&high state institutions about publishing like an important sector of culture but also of economy;
-strengthened the dynamism of relations between publishing institutions &cultural operators with schools;
-empowered new generation's approach to literature, strengthening strong reader and influencing the "weak" reader;
-provided schools&cultural sector opportunity to cooperate closely for implementation of this project and others in the future;
-encouraged young talents to express themselves through prose, poetry, music, illustration, painting etc;
-created opportunity to cultural actors to acquire new skills and provide new opportunities in labour market;
-encouraged&nurtured love for reading&books.