Environment and climate action
350.000,00 €
Waste Management
125.475.000,00 €
: Public Utility Company Skopje
: This investment project concerns the construction of a 650,000 p.e. wastewater treatment plant in Skopje, the capital and the largest city in the country. The future WWTP will server a population of 518,000 and cover nine of the ten municipalities of the City of Skopje.The implementation of the legal requirements and standards of the UWWT Directive (91/271/EEC) and the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) is a significant challenge for the country as far as investments are concerned. Only 15% of the country is serviced by WWTPs, which ensure mechanical and biological treatment. Larger cities still discharge untreated wastewater directly to water bodies, in this case Vardar, the longest and the largest river in the country and transboundary watercourse.