Greater Employees? Access to Training through Consultations within Undertakings GEAR

: VP/2017/008/0041
: Education, employment and social policies
: 265.000,00 €
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: Employment and Social policy
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: 265.000,00 €

: The overall objective of the project is to encourage the efforts made and enable direct employees? participation in decision-making process in undertakings, based on the number of instruments used. The partnerships will be seeking for formulating and introducing of mechanisms for regular information and consultations on employees? qualification promotion plans linked to internal company motivation strategies on professional qualification upgrade (on-the-job/off the job, courses, training plans, etc. Greater consultations and information measures in undertakings shall ensure employment security and access to training and education motivation incentives for employees. Skills shortage and qualifications are ultimate for the market-driven industrial relations between employers and employees, however involvement of workers? representatives and/or company trade unions in discussions/ decisions about organizational and technological changes shall be stressed on all level of bi-partite dialogue. The action will take place in 8 countries in the period of 20 months as of January 2018. Eight partners represent workers, training organisations, employers and trade unions form the industries of most intensive change and new higher or diverse skills demand due to technological changes or merges, product change and market globalisation. However consultations and participation of employees can guarantee development and introduction of programmes related to professional qualification and skill shortages in companies. Main target groups are employers and employees from various sectors of the economy employing innovative technologies that require new skills and upgrade of the professional qualification of workers, and employment of young people with knowledge however without labour skills.