TA for preparation of blueprints for project designs, and drafting tender dossiers for the works at the road border crossings Tabanovce and Kafasan

Border crossings Tabanovce & Kafasan
: 12-4688/1
: Democracy and Governance
: 178.450,00 €
: Jul-2015
: Customs
: Apr-2017
: 178.450,00 €
: Ministry of Finance / Customs administration

: The project purpose is preparation of relevant technical documents, including detailed design with technical specifications and bill of quantities for the two customs border road crossings Tabanovce (IPA 2012) and Kafasan (IPA 2013). The assignment also envisages preparation of the necessary documents to obtain building permit for upgrades of the two BC, as required by the national legislation. The project will provide technical assistance in preparation of the above mentioned documents for: - Upgrade the customs clearance facilities of the road BC Tabanovce and at the road BC Kafasan.