Stay @ School Action for Inclusion of Roma in Primary Education

: 409-250 
: Education, employment and social policies
: 1.225.528,00 €
: 22/10/2019 
: Education
: 24/04/2024
: Grant
: 1.363.516,00 €

: Stay @ School Scholarship scheme is a key work package of this action that will provide financial support to a total of 600 (6-8 years of age) Roma primary school students from most vulnerable Roma families, or to a 2 cohorts of Roma 1st grade students. The first cohort will be consisted of 300 Roma primary school students that will enroll 1st grade in the academic year 20019/20 and the second cohort of additional 300 students that will enroll 1st grade in the academic year 2020/2021.