: 2016-1-MK01-KA204-021684
: Education, employment and social policies
: 21.166,00 €
: 01.9.2016
: Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships in adult education (Development of innovation)
: 28.02.2018
: Grant
: 21.166,00 €

: Project background
LL@L contributed to the development of Adult Education staff giving them the possibilities to enhance their skills in e-learning and e-learning promotion. Our project promoted the use of ICT in the adult learning focusing on ICT tools for distance learning, by exchanging good practices between the partners and in response to the priorities of the Programme.

Project objectives
1. Development and design of a distance learning guide. The proposed course is based on good distance learning and teaching practices and is the outcome of the combination of methodologies deriving from the multidisciplinary approach of the members of the partnership as well as from the experience gained during the teaching in the various participating countries.
2. Enhancing the digital integration in learning, teaching, training at various levels: by promoting access to and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER); by supporting ICT-based teaching, training, as well as ICT-based assessment practices. In particular, supporting teachers, trainers, educational staff in acquiring and improving the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences;
3. Developing adult educators’ competences to deal with diversified groups of learners, make use of new technologies for better outreach and teaching outcomes;
4. Improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to individual adult
learners, including through innovative ways of outreach and delivery.

The project partners:
1. The Association Community Development Institute (CDI) Macedonia as a sustainable civil society organization that works on building a democratic integrated and multi-ethnic society through strengthening the capacities of individuals, organizations and institutions.
2. La Ligue de l’enseignement France; association that gathers over 30,000 associations in 102 departmental and 22 regional federations with the common aim of training responsible citizens who will fulfill their duties, make full use of their rights and be active in society reinforcing its democratic, humanist and social character.
3. Inercia Digital Spain as a Andalusian company, established in 2012, with outlets wide Europe. Despite being a small sized company, it has international ambition and appealing experience. Its main target is to contribute with innovative solutions to both e-business and web entrepreneurship skills for SMEs and entrepreneurs (e-learning on e-business).
4. The Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) Macedonia has been active in the field of adult education working on development of policies on adult education and distance learning.
5. The `Volkshochschule Hannover´ Germany, founded in 1919, as a non-profit adult education institution under tutorship of the Municipality of Hanover. The school offers a program each year of around hundred and twenty thousand teaching periods. The education programs includes all aspects of general, vocational, social and cultural education.

The project has been implemented at international level in order to have a wide impact in Europe, to gather different experiences and opinions, to cope the distance among countries such Germany in which ICT education is well developed to a country like Macedonia that has less experience in this field.

Description of undertaken main activities
1. Partners meetings that provided opportunity for exchange of experiences and practices from each participating partner countries from different prospective.
2. Collecting best practices and lessons learned from different stakeholders and interested parties/providers of non-formal education in participating countries.
3. Training of trainers coming from providers of adult education; presentation of the content of he guide; piloting and feedback.
4. Multiplier events; sharing the content of the guide and collecting feedback for improvement
5. Dissemination and visibility; sharing of the final version of the guide.

Results and impact
As a result of the project, a Guide translated in 4 languages in addition of English version of the guide has been produced.
By producing this manual, for the first time in Macedonia, a manual as a guide has been produced for providers of distance learning. By providing input from the stakeholders and analyses from the best practices, this high quality manual will concrete use in other participating program countries. We have also targeted the awareness among providers of

Longer-term benefits
1. Guide as a Tool available, to support providers to introduce distance learning
2. Networking and enhancing cooperation between project partners and countries
3. Increased quality for distance learning and education
4. Awareness raised among providers of education for distance learning